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Information and tools to help you calculate long service leave and understand the laws around long service leave in Victoria.

Below are the search results for phone number 1300 363 264 / 1300363264 including name and address. For general enquiries please contact the department using the telephone numbers or email addresses on our contact us page. Contact the department. Website feedback. If you have any queries or suggestions about this website, contact our Online Services Branch. Australian Business Number. The department's ABN is: 69 410 335 356 Connect with Wageline at William Street, Perth, WA. Discover phone numbers, directions, web links & more with the White Pages® 186 Cadles Rd, Carrum Downs, VIC 3201.

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Out of hours applications Please note if your call relates to unfair dismissal, general protections or anti-bullying, these calls can only be answered by our Helpline which is available between 9am and 5pm (AEDST), Monday to Friday on 1300 799 675. A modern award is a set of terms that detail the minimum conditions for employees working in particular industries and occupations. Modern awards came into effect in 2010 and cover most Australian employers and employees. If your enquiry is related to coronavirus (COVID-19) health concerns or current guidelines, please call the dedicated coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398. Interstate or international callers (+613) 9096 9000. To report breaches of restrictions, please contact Victoria Police on 131 444 or make a report online. The National Relay Service helps people who are deaf, hearing and/or speech-impaired contact Wageline.

Wageline. 2 Harrison St, Bendigo Vic 3550, Australia. Free Australia missed call identification. Below are the search results for phone number 1300 363 264 / 1300363264 including name and address.

Call us Our number is 13 13 94. We're open 8am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday (except for public holidays).

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Agency phone number VCAT venues; Bayside Peninsula: Bayside Frankston Glen Eira Kingston Mornington Peninsula Port Phillip Stonnington: Peninsula Community Legal Centre: Frankston office: 441 Nepean Highway, Frankston. Bentleigh office: 82 Brady Road, Bentleigh. Rosebud office: 1375 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud (03) 9783 3600: Dromana Oakleigh Need to make an insurance claim, roadside assistance or anything in between. Get in touch with RACV via email, phone, online or in-store. Our activity in your area.

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Rosebud office: 1375 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud (03) 9783 3600: Dromana Oakleigh Need to make an insurance claim, roadside assistance or anything in between. Get in touch with RACV via email, phone, online or in-store. Our activity in your area. Explore the map to see which animals were in need of our help in your local area last month. The points on this map all relate to a single animal, or family of animals, reported to Wildlife Victoria last month.

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Shop new season trends in homeware, furniture and fashion at John Lewis & Partners. Discover the latest beauty products and browse must-have electricals, including iPads and TVs. VicRoads plans, develops and manages the arterial road network and delivers road safety initiatives and customer focused registration and licensing services. Agency phone number VCAT venues; Bayside Peninsula: Bayside Frankston Glen Eira Kingston Mornington Peninsula Port Phillip Stonnington: Peninsula Community Legal Centre: Frankston office: 441 Nepean Highway, Frankston.